It’s true. You think way too much. Even reading that we start to “think” about how much we think. It’s just what we, as humans, do. We love to think. To overthink. Think about what we are going to eat for dinner. Think about what we are doing tomorrow afternoon. Think about what other people are thinking. If we could see all thoughts as visible objects over a person’s head we would instantly be overwhelmed by the weight and multitude of content that fills this world.
Now you may agree with my claim: “You are thinking too much” but it’s not that simple. My aim is not to tell you just to stop thinking. We need to think. But the issue goes much deeper. Here is the purpose of this post: I believe our constant thinking about certain things is prohibiting our “childlike” faith and trust in God. Let me explain.
What does the Word say?
Do you know how God sees our thoughts? In Psalm 94:11 our thoughts are compared to a “mere breath”. 1 Corinthians 3:20 portrays that even the thoughts of the wise are “useless”. How about God’s thoughts? Psalm 92:5, Romans 11:33-36, Isaiah 55:8-9, and 1 Corinthians 1:20 & 25 show that God’s thoughts are unknowable. They are too deep and profound for us to even begin to fathom. We then have to face the fact that our thoughts are small, unfinished, useless, and incomplete while God’s thoughts are vast, deep, profound, and perfect. The question is this: How should we order our lives to reflect this fact?
Take a look at Psalm 131.
“O Lord, my heart is not proud, nor my eyes haughty;
Nor do I involve myself in great matters,
Or in things too difficult for me.
Surely I have composed and quieted my soul;
Like a weaned child rests against his mother,
My soul is like a weaned child within me.
O Israel, hope in the Lord
From this time forth and forever.”
Search Within
If you searched within your soul could you describe it as a child resting content in their mothers arms? David described his just like that. How did he get there? He quit overthinking. He understood that there was vast parts of his life that were: “too difficult” for him. A child does not spend their time thinking about what is for dinner, plans tomorrow, or other peoples thoughts around them. They live their life second by second and take care of needs as they come. The secret to their rest is their complete trust in mother. Mother knows what’s for dinner. Mother knows what plans are tomorrow. Mother has it all figured out.
God has it all figured out. He knows about your job. He knows about the decisions you have to make. He knows about the events coming up that need to be planned out. So much of the time we sit on our couch stressing and overthinking everything in our life all the while our Saviour sits on the throne, and in your heart, with the knowledge of every second of your life. Why don’t we ever just stop and look up, on our knees, and ask Him what our minds ought to be thinking on. Would you, with me, quit the overthinking and simply trust in our perfect and all knowing Lord? I want to, with David, say (and live) that my soul is a “weaned child within me.” It begins with a step of faith.