My guess is the words "fear" and "happy" usually are not in the same sentence or at least not relating to each other unless in a negative way. And yet
Happiness in Proverbs: Part 3
The happiest I've ever been has been in the moments of quiet gentle trust in the Lord. Regardless of the circumstance, no matter the difficulty, and
Happiness in Proverbs: Part 2
When we think of happiness most of the time we think of receiving something. Maybe receiving money, food, gifts, etc. But regardless of what it is
Happiness in Proverbs: Part 1
Everyone likes to be happy. Happiness is a good thing! But the way people seek to attain happiness is usually bad and ends up being a short lived form
Settled On Their Lees
Let's just jump right into the verse for this one: And it shall come to pass at that time, that I will search Jerusalem with candles, and punish
If You Are Afraid – Obey!
What prevents a lot of us from doing what we know we must do is fear. Whether it is the fear of rejection, the fear of mockery, the fear of missing
If You’re Bad You’re Sad!
My Dad has a saying that was always annoying when I was younger but I’ve come to appreciate and respect it: “If you’re bad you’re sad!” Of course it
The Antidote to Fear
In my devotions I am currently in Jeremiah. I’ve found such a delight meditating and consuming the words of Jeremiah, as you will see in the next few
Where Are We Going?
What’s your Plan? Where are you going? How are you getting there? How long is it going to take you? All common questions regarding a trip or after a