When someone writes, teaches, or preaches on forgiveness it usually has to do with you needing to forgive someone else. Someone has hurt you, lied to
When Things Get Worse
This Christian life is a walk of faith. Trusting Christ every step of the way. Through the good, the bad, the ugly, and the pretty. But so many of us
A Simple Look
I recently listened to a message by my dear friend Nathan Johnson on the Daily Thunder Podcast. In this message, regarding one of the names of God:
Do You Have Your Wedding Clothes?
Have you heard the parable of the Marriage Dinner? I read it afresh recently and God really pressed on my mind a portion of it that I never really
Has anything left you completely breathless? Totally speechless? Few things in my life I can say that about but what comes to mind is seeing my wife
Is It Not Evil?
I am almost done reading through the Old Testament as I find myself in the book of Malachi. About 100 years after the Jews return from exile, Malachi,
The Seed of Sorrow
As I make my way through the Psalms I was struck by another powerful verse that goes well with the heartbeat of Anguished Soul: “Those who sow in
Look To Your God
For a while now I have been reading a Psalm every day with my usual reading. I like to work my way through the Psalms slowly and in order. Doing so
Abundance of Idleness
There were many things wrong with the city of Sodom. God said of Sodom: “The outcry of Sodom and Gomorrah is indeed great, and their sin is